I still like Bon Jovi and a keyboardist called David Bryan

I still like Bon Jovi and a keyboardist called David Bryan

I still like Bon Jovi and a keyboardist called David Bryan. 🎸🎸

When I was 19, 20,  I wanted to be a rock singer and so I was alway reading magazines when they were featured.

Of course, Bon Jovi is an icon but I liked this keyboardist and he mentioned he graduated from Juilliard music. It’s an elite school for musicians.

I don’t think many of its graduates go into the rock field, probably other areas like classics, but he was always preparing and raising his standard so that he could grab any opportunity he wanted when it came along.

I think he wanted to be a rock musician. Of course he wanted to do other things but he was just preparing when the opportunity came along.

So I learned when I was 19, 20, that preparation is key and if you are prepared enough that enables you to open doors to opportunity.

You can grab the opportunity and you’ll be able to win it if you are prepared. I don’t know, maybe there will be competition, you may not meet the criteria, it does happen.

However, if you aren’t prepared,  your chance will be zero.

So this is what I always have in mind, about being prepared so that when the chancet presents itself, I’m ready.  And that’s what I tell my clients.

So if you’re not prepared, you will not even notice that the opportunity is there.
#goldvision #bestadvice #personaldevelopment