The effect of a setback
I am not sure whether I am fully prepared to start writing but something came in my mind so I will try to write what came to me. To tell what I want to, I will mix some Japanese, so please accept this.
The recent hot topic for me is that “we should put our effort at the place where we can shine”.
In Japanese, 誰でも輝ける場所で輝くのが一番幸せだ.
We tend to stick to one place because of history or friends or whatever we think important.
But, if you feel that you are not or will not be successfull at the place or situation, maybe you should start thinking of changing something.
I know it is not easy since we are binded by the comfort zone, however it is meaningful to think if you are really enjoying what you are doing.
As many people mention, life is short.
I believe that we should start thinking of reforming our life.
From my experience, series of failure, it is not bad to know what setback is.
I talked with one of my friend today and re-thought how the past failure helped me re-building my life.